Felix Ndahimana, MSc
PhD candidate
Laboratory of Entomology
Wageningen University & Research
Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708PB Wageningen
The Netherlands
Email: felix.ndahimana@wur.nl
Felix was born and raised in the spectacular hills of Rwanda’s Western Province. His interest in insects (Entomology) began during his first year of undergraduate studies, where he learned about their role in transmitting diseases, particularly malaria—a significant public health concern in his region. After completing his master’s degree, Felix collaborated with Prof. Sander Koenraadt, and Dr Emmanuel Hakizimana on a project focused on malaria vector control, which earned them a PhD scholarship at Wageningen University & Research. This marked a turning point in his career, aligning his passion for giving back to his community in fighting against Malaria.
Currently pursuing his PhD, Felix’s research focuses on combating residual malaria transmission by incorporating citizen science into vector control strategies and evaluating novel vector control interventions that provide additional protection against malaria beyond the core vector control interventions (insecticide-treated bed nets and insecticide spraying). His project is conducted across the Laboratory of Entomology at Wageningen University & Research, the Rwanda Biomedical Centre, and the University of Rwanda, where he also teaches. In his free time, Felix enjoys playing football, volleyball, and basketball.
Since I work on malaria vector control interventions in Rwanda, I collaborate mostly with the entomology team at Rwanda Biomedical Centre.